Vouchers & Discounts

Return policy for 2FOR1 promotions

If you place an order using a 2FOR1 discount code and receive products for free as a result, we cannot guarantee a full refund in case of partial returns. A partial refund will be issued.


Women's Week Discount Promotion:

The discount is valid from February 26, 2025, until March 10, 2025, at 10 AM.

The discount tiers are structured as follows:

  • Spend €49 or more and receive a 30% discount.
  • Spend €69 or more and receive a 35% discount.
  • Spend €89 or more and receive a 40% discount.

Gift cards, hair accessories, and bags are excluded from the promotion. If a return causes your order value to drop below a discount tier's minimum threshold, the next lower discount tier will apply. If your order value falls below €49, the discount promotion no longer applies.


Gift vouchers


  • Where can I redeem my gift voucher?

Our gift cards are valid both in our Luamaya stores and in our online store. However, you can only redeem the e-voucher in the online store.

  • How long is my voucher valid for?

Your voucher is valid for 3 years.

  • How do I receive my voucher?

Our e-gift voucher is sent by email and contains all the relevant information for redeeming it. If it does not arrive, please check your spam folder.
Our gift card with envelope will be sent to your home by post as normal.

  • Can I return goods that I have purchased with a gift voucher?

Yes, you can of course return goods purchased with a gift voucher. The purchase price will be refunded to your gift voucher. Unfortunately, a refund is not possible.

  • Can I buy gift vouchers in the store?

Yes, you can also purchase gift vouchers in our stores. These can be redeemed in all Luamaya stores as well as online.

  • Do I have to observe the minimum order value if I pay with a gift voucher?

Yes, the minimum order value of €15 also applies to gift vouchers.

  • Can my gift voucher also be redeemed on reduced goods?

Yes, of course! Our gift voucher works like any other payment option and is therefore also valid on sale goods.


Discount codes

  • How can I redeem discount codes?

Enter the discount code in the field provided in the checkout to redeem it. You can access the checkout by going to the checkout from your shopping cart

  • Can discount codes be combined?

Discount codes cannot be combined with each other. Cash payment is not possible.

  • Are online codes also valid in stores?

Have you discovered a voucher code on social media or other channels and would like to redeem it directly in a store? Then please speak to our staff on site and have a screenshot of the current code ready. We will then check the validity and redemption period on site. If the code is valid, we will grant you the discount. Please note that you must choose a discount code if there are several discount promotions running at the same time. Discount codes and certain free items that are displayed online at short notice are not transferable to the store. You can find detailed information in the respective promotion guidelines.

  • Can I return products purchased with a discount code?

Yes, products that you have purchased with a generally valid promotional code can be returned.

  • The discount code I entered does not work.

If your discount code does not work, please make sure that the validity period of the code has not yet expired and that the items in your shopping cart meet all the conditions of the discount code. Please note that gift vouchers, hair accessories, advent calendars, extender chains and gift bags are excluded from all discount codes and promotions.

    • Vouchers, hair accessories and bags are excluded from the discount promotion. If the minimum purchase value of a scale is not reached in the event of a return, the next discount class applies. If you fall below the minimum purchase value of €49, the discount promotion no longer applies.

    • Free item

    If you have received an item free of charge as a bonus through a promotion and return your purchase in part or in full, whereby the communicated minimum requirement for the free item is not met, this must also be returned. If this is not possible, a full refund of your purchase cannot be guaranteed.

    • Discount deals with a minimum purchase value

    If you return part of your order and no longer meet the communicated minimum purchase value requirement, the discount promotion will no longer apply.